Tea is at high noon, and all of you wonderfully delightful people are invited, as long as you wear your whitest white gloves and your biggest, most flowery hat with the widest brim. We will sip silently from the finest china tea cups while holding our pinkies out and slightly up. The hot black tea will swirl and steam, making our pointy noses run ever so slightly, but we will pretend that does not happen. We are ladies. We are gentlemen. We do not speak of such things.

Yeayyyyyy! Tea party!!!! I want tea! I want tea! Mommmyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Bring the tea! Bring the tea! No, REAL tea! I want REEEEEEEEAL TEEEEEEEA, MomYYYYYYYYYY!!! Only Fluffy Bunny ears can come. Fluffy Muffy Bunny Ears! Sit down on my little yellow chair and drink your tea, Fluffy Muffy Stuffy Bunny!!!!!

Tea. Party. My. House. It will be awesome. I've hired the Five Man Electric Band, but not the real one. They will rock out as loud as lions roar, man. They will rock your pants off, like any kind of pants, like tight denim jeans, like loose heather-gray sweats, like Bugle Boy khaki dockers with the pleats in front that make everyone who wears them look like a Ken doll.
Do now: Sign into your Blogger account and comment on which tea party you'd rather attend and why.