Tea is at high noon, and all of you wonderfully delightful people are invited, as long as you wear your whitest white gloves and your biggest, most flowery hat with the widest brim. We will sip silently from the finest china tea cups while holding our pinkies out and slightly up. The hot black tea will swirl and steam, making our pointy noses run ever so slightly, but we will pretend that does not happen. We are ladies. We are gentlemen. We do not speak of such things.

Yeayyyyyy! Tea party!!!! I want tea! I want tea! Mommmyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Bring the tea! Bring the tea! No, REAL tea! I want REEEEEEEEAL TEEEEEEEA, MomYYYYYYYYYY!!! Only Fluffy Bunny ears can come. Fluffy Muffy Bunny Ears! Sit down on my little yellow chair and drink your tea, Fluffy Muffy Stuffy Bunny!!!!!

Tea. Party. My. House. It will be awesome. I've hired the Five Man Electric Band, but not the real one. They will rock out as loud as lions roar, man. They will rock your pants off, like any kind of pants, like tight denim jeans, like loose heather-gray sweats, like Bugle Boy khaki dockers with the pleats in front that make everyone who wears them look like a Ken doll.
Do now: Sign into your Blogger account and comment on which tea party you'd rather attend and why.
I prefer the little girls tea party. I love children , their so cute thinking their actually at a tea party. Their imagination at a young age amazes me. Especially the little stuff animals like their part of it. It's to cute! It makes me smile. Very simple and innocent kind of annoying but I can deal with it.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to go to the last tea party. I feel that I would be least uncomfortable at a party thrown by a hippy than at one throw by a little girl or an elderly lady. I'm not convinced that the party would be fun but I think it would be my best shot at having fun
ReplyDeleteIf it was possible, I would definitley attend the first tea party. I love being classy, and being itequette. I love dressing up and being with classy people and just being a lady in general. The thought of wearing a pretty sun dress, cute little white gloves with a pretty sun hat is just so cute to me.
ReplyDeleteI chose the second tea party to attend. I love being a child at heart and playing with younger childern. They have such and imagination and love to have fun. Children are absolutely adorable and do whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big tea drinker, hot tea at the least, but I would go to the last tea party. I doubt that I would have fun, but I get really annoyed with kids and the ladies who wears big wide brimmed hats with a matching blouse and dress, complemented with white gloves reminds me of a plantation owner's wife when slavery was in full swing... so yeah i'd rather go to a tea party full of weird hipsters.
ReplyDeleteIt would definitely be so exciting to attend the little girls tea party. I remember at this age around Christmas time, hoping that Santa would bring me a tea set. I absolutely loved everything about it. At this kinda of tea party you can imagine anything. You can live wherever you want, and be whoever you want. Your stuffed and furry friends sit and sip right along with you, and to dress up means everything. It's the coolest party ever, and it's funny because it's the only one I know of, that never runs out of tea! Lol Smile, smile.
ReplyDeleteI think I would rather attend the third party, I'm not really that into the whole formal etiquette thing, nor do i enjoy dealing with children, they're adorable and everything, don't get me wrong, but they can be quite a handful. However, I'm not so sure the party would be any fun, but it seems like the lesser of two evils here. or in this case three evils
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to attend the last tea party. The last tea party sounds a lot more like my style than the others, particularly because I'm not lady-like or proper enough to fit in with the posh women, and I strongly dislike children. The last tea party sounds like an actual party that a person can have genuine fun at, and I would likely get along with the people there.
ReplyDeleteI would go to the last tea party. The last tea party seems more relaxed and easy going. I think I would get along with these people rather than a bunch of old proper ladies or a lot of children. The last tea party seems more like a party that would be a lot more fun.
ReplyDeleteI don't really like tea but the third party just seems like an awesome time. I think i would get along with those types of people really well. Also who doesn't want to rock their pants off? In addition I don't think i'm proper enough for the first party, and i'm definitely too old for the little girls party.
ReplyDeleteIve never been to a tea party but if I had an option to I would attend the second party. Kids have way more imaginations than old ladies and teenage boys. I think it would be interesting to see how they interact with non-existent objects that they make up in their mind.
ReplyDeleteI don't like tea but would go to the third party. The first party seems boring, and i don't wear gloves to drink hot beverages. I'm not really a children person, i think they are adorable but not for long periods of time
ReplyDeleteI have never been to a tea party but the third one seems very fun and laid back. It's not a very traditional tea party, but still a tea party all the same.
ReplyDeleteI would 100% have to chose the third tea party. I don't like being around pretentious old white women or children so that rules out the first two. I also thoroughly enjoy not wearing pants, so thats what gives the third party a strong leg up on the other two.