Monday, September 29, 2014

Mom, Dad, Two Children, One Dog

[Click this link to watch the video full screen with captioning.]
The four-door paneled station wagon is no longer in existence. Surely, any frugal father would have traded that jalopy in during the Cash For Clunkers program anyway, but the reality is that a lot of families do not have a frugal father, nor do they have a family station wagon. They have minivans and soccer moms, not necessarily in that order.
A lot of families do not have fathers or mothers and some have neither. Some have cousins and grandparents living under one roof. Modern Family presents a complete corruption of a traditional idea.

Click this link to watch the video full screen with captioning.]
This family portrait does not reflect the traditional sense of family.
According to your own experience, what is a family? Who is your family?
Please click on Comments, be sure you sign into your account that reflects your name, and answer this question. Discuss your family in personal, informal style. Be sure your comment is substantial, and write something you are proud to share (a paragraph is good; two paragraphs are better).


  1. Family is very important, sometimes family is all you will have in life. Family is the center of life meaning. I couldn't imagine a world without my family especially my brothers they are annoying, weird, stupid at times but they are mines. I couldn't imagine living in a woeld without the family God has granted to me and for this I am grateful. The best thing about family you can always depend on them, well for most families every family is different and has different relationships. Having someone to come home to and eat dinner with, watch movies, play games and tell stories with is beautiful.

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  4. Family, to me, is not simply the people you are related to by blood, and I do not believe that family is always the most important. Sometimes, family members will do worse to you than a friend ever would. Luckily for me, that has not been the case, but knowing that makes me consider not only my immediate family (parents, sisters, and grandma who lives with me) as real family, but also my two best friends.
    According to my experience, I consider family the people who love and care for you unconditionally despite all your quirks and flaws, and who always have your best interest at heart. At the end of the day, that is what matters most, and it is a great feeling to know that you have those people in your life. You tend to go through a lot with your family, which only serves to make your relationship even stronger and build more confidence. Even when someone screws up or you are in an argument, real family will still check up to make sure you're okay or help you when you're down. Family, and the support it provides, is great.
    Daria P

  5. Family to me does not have to defined by a "mother, farther, sister, or brother". I believe it's a group of people who care about each and always stick together no matter the circumstances, who love each other unconditionally, and except you for who you are. Some people even consider a close friend, or a pet as a part of the family. I very fortunate to have a family I am able to communicate with (especially my mom) because that is very important to me. I'm not too close with my siblings, and don't hangout with them as much as I used to due to the age difference. Even though my brother and I quarrel sometimes, that brotherly bond never leaves, and we always find a way back to each other.

  6. Family is the first group people you begin to interact with and create a relationship with. Your personal values and morals may be solely based on the development of your family. Some people may argue that family is everything, and others may disagree. To me, family doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be from the same blood line. Family is someone or a group of people that you can go to when in need, and they will have your back regardless. Your family is supposed to have your best interest at heart. I live with my mom and my brother and sister. I am the youngest. These three people have taught me a lot about dealing with people and being considerate of other people’s feelings. We have a really strong foundation as a family and it did not come easy. Learning to love someone for who they are instead of trying to change them is what’s most important in having a good rapport. Being honest , but still coming from a loving place can stretch a relationship and you begin to learn who really cares most about you. I love my family and wouldn’t trade them for anyone else. They have made me who I am and I know when the world turns their back on me, I will always have them.

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  8. What is Family? Family is a community where you find unconditional support. It is the first thing you encounter when you enter into the world. It is your first teacher. It teaches you cohesiveness and nurturing. Family is a covenant, a commitment . It is a special bond that you share with those you love and highly-regard. (It is a "blood is thinker than water" conversational piece.) It can teach you a sense of belonging, and the absence of it, can break your heart. Family is relationship. It is a place you can feel both love and hatred, rejection and acceptance, pain and triumph all at the same time!! Family is family. Smile. It's a place you just rest your head and be yourself. Family is wherever you find it!
    My family is small nucleus of people who love to celebrate! From birthday's to births, Christmas to Thanksgiving, graduations to retirement, no stone goes unturned! Everyday is a party!! My family are religious people. They love God and love people. They are committed to each other, their community and wanting the best for you. My family Awesome!! ......Anybody want cake?

  9. A family is not only your relatives, it's people who you can share a positive bond with. A family is also when someone or somebody will get out of their way and do anything for that person without hesitation. My Family is whoever entered my life and didn't get kicked out of it by me.

  10. The family is the foundation of modern society and therefore our primary socializing agent. The ideal family is one where love, affection, respect, and protection are provided and is also where the adults of the future are prepared.

  11. Honestly everyone has a different perspective about what a family really is. Family to me is all about supporting one another and loving each other unconditionally in any circumstances. There’s a certain love you get from other people that is different from the type of love your family gives you. You are born with them, there’s no erasing them out your life. As a little girl I seen things that happen in my family and whatever situation it was they were always there for each other. For example when I’m sick my family is ready to do anything to help me feel better. Unlike friends who would just give you a phone call saying‘’ feel better’’ or nothing at all. As I got older I realize family is all you have and all you will ever have until you are six feet under. I live with both my parents , my little brother and my cousin . We all argue and have our differences but when it comes to having each other back , and having each other best interest at heart we do that . To me family is all I have . Not uncles , aunties or cousins , but the people that I live with. On the other hand friends can be like family but ‘’blood is thicker than water’’ .

  12. Everyone has a different way of describing what family is to them. Family to me is to always be there for someone at all times, when they need it or don't. Family isn't suppose to only be there in the good times, but also in the bad. The best thing about family is you can always depend on them, get advice if you need it. Some friends could also be considered family just because of how close you are to them. I'm very close to my siblings. i can go to them for advice for almost anything. Even though we don't live together they are still always there for me.

  13. Coming from a person who makes a lot of hasty unplanned decisions, I think that people that people should call their family are the people who are relentlessly forgiving of your mistakes. I am not saying that they should forgive any and all mistakes such as one that put their wellbeing at risk in any form. However, they should be people that are willing to save you in a pinch, support you when you are down and sometimes go along with the things that they know will turn out bad. They are people who won’t turn their backs on you no matter what.

    Family can be just about anyone. They don’t have to be related to you. They could be your boss who served as parent figure who is helping your advance in your career. They could be a close friend who has been with you through thick and thin. People who are related to you do not have to be a part of your family including your very own parents. If the people who are related to you don’t support you through thing and thin or who are negative influences, I don’t consider them to be family.

    During good times, family are also people who you enjoy being around. They are people who make you laugh and smile, create happy memories and people you can genuinely have fun with.

  14. In my opinion, family are the people that love and accept you for who you are. They support your choices but try to point you in the right direction at the same time. Your family are the people you trust and can depend on. In both the good and bad times.

    I am so thankful that have a sister that supports me and my choices. I don't think my family would be complete without her.

  15. I believe family are the people we surround ourselves and share our lives with, regardless of relation. Much of my closest family have no blood relation to me at all. Anyone who will be by your side in a time of need is family. In some cases blood relatives can act less like family than friends you have known for a much shorter time. Family should work together, care for each other, and be present and willing to assist in times of need. To do that they do not need to strictly be related.

  16. The word father to me has no meaning. Anyone can be a father to a child but it takes a certain type of man to be a real Dad to their child. My father wasn’t a real Dad. He was out of the picture since I was an infant. A lot of people ask me if I ever felt like I was missing something in my life. Every time I said no. I felt fortunate to not have my Father around because I wouldn’t have as close to my grandparents and family members as I am today.
    I wasn’t raised in a “traditional family” matter. My mom was trying to take care of my sister and I and trying to become a lawyer at the young age. While she was working or at school my sister and I spent most of our time at our grandparents house. To me, my father figure is really my Opi (grandfather) and My Uncle Bill. Opi was the one who took care of me when I was sick, made me my favorite dinners, and brought my sister and I to the zoo on a weekly basis. My Uncle Bill was the crazy adventurous type who drove to California in four days and decided to live there. When I would go out to California to visit him, he always gave me good advices, and taught me how a man should really treat the woman in their life.
    My Omi (grandmother) was a special kind of woman. She was the one who taught me about posture, proper etiquette and how to be a lady. Whenever I needed her she was there. She taught me to always dress my best even when there was no company around. She listened to me when I was upset and understood when I wanted to be left alone.
    My mother is my greatest hero. With a little help from family she accomplished her dream of becoming a successful lawyer and raised two beautiful daughters. She is an inspiring woman with so much to tell, she could write a novel. Going through the things she did, and still being able to hold her head up high is something to be proud about.
    To me, family is not traditional. There is no white picket fence, minivan, mother father and sister. There is SO many people that I consider family because they were there when times were tough. Without my Omi and Opi, Uncle Bill, Mom and my sister Jamie, I truly would not be the person I am today.

  17. Family is a group of parents and children living together under the same roof. People have different views of what they consider the meaning of family. Some may say only blood relatives are only considered family others may say those who are close to them are considered family. I believe family means the people who surround you with love and have been there from the start are your family. Society has taught us about traditional family consisting of a mother, father and children. Now in the 21st century things have changed including what families may consist of.
    Regardless what you do or where you may go family will always be there. You don't get to chose your family, they are gods gift to you as it is for them, it is a blessing. Learn to accept who your family is and love them for who they are. Friends come and go but family is there forever.

  18. Family in its most simplistic meaning is the people you are related to through blood. Your mother and father, along with siblings create your most immediate source of family and then trickles out to grandparents, cousins, uncles. These are the people who are supposed to teach you about life and what is to come in your future year, they are expected to be some sort of guidance along the way. My parents are the perfect example, of what not to look for in a relationship. The split when i was twelve and absolutely despise each other. Part of me wonders if they will even remain civil for the duration of my wedding day. My grandfather was the glue that held my family together, he passed about seven years ago and things have never been the same. My grandmother is constantly bitter and spiteful, to the point where people can't stand being around her.
    Therefore family is not as important to me as most people, don't get me wrong, I would do anything for everyone of them, especially my two sisters, but the closeness is no longer there. Immediately after high school I moved out and had to grow up immediately, from Virginia, to upstate NY, down here to long island, I've met some amazing people who have changed my life completely. A few of those people have been with me through thick and thin, those of whom I also consider "family".

  19. Family is the closest people you have in your lives. They raised you up since you were born. You should alway have respect to your parents. They are the ones who cared for you, loved you, and most of the time were there for you. Even if you have arguments with your parents, you should still respect them. I was raised up that way. Even though at times I wish could just let my anger out, I choose to keep in. My sister and my parents were not as close when she was growing up. When she got married all that changed. They are very close now. My Mom and Dad always helps her with the baby, apartment, and almost anything she asks for.

    Your parents won't be around forever and when they are gone it would be too late to go back. My grandfather was living at my house when I was younger. He was disabled and had a hard time speaking. I would always stop and greet him but I didn't spend a lot of time him. My child-self always something else to do. When he passed away, there was nothing I could to change that. I keep remembering all the time I could have spent with him. I think about this now also with my parents. Even though you may hate your parents, take advantage of the time now.

  20. Family to me is everything. Family doesn't have to be people that live in your house or even people that you are related to. Family to me are people that you share you're everyday life with. Family means different thing to different people. The people we surround ourselves, could also be considered family. Blood relations doesn't always make you family. The people that support you and are there with you through think an thin, can also be your family. They're are soon people out there with no blood relatives, and to them the people that are closest to them are their family.

  21. Family to me is blood. No matter what the situation is, I don't believe in abandoning blood. That blood is what connects you to that person in more than an emotional relationship. As higher intellectual beings, we can observe the ways animals care for their children and how protective of them. Family is more than just an idea or a way of living, its nature.

  22. A family to me consist of more than one person who loves, cares for each other and loves each other unconditionally. Traditionally a family has a mother, father, and two kids. I believe that a family does not necessarily have to be big, you don’t need a mother or a father to complete a family. Loving someone other than yourself and caring for them should be enough to call them family.
    I can honestly say that I have a big family. My grandmother from my mother’s side had nine kids, and her kids also has kids. I have a sister name Andy, and a little brother name Cliff. I consider everyone from my mother’s side family, because I love them and I love them for who they are.

  23. To me, family are the people you can count on when no one else is there. These people will be there for you no matter what. In my opinion, the people you are related to account for most of your family. Your mother, father, brother, and sister are people that you should always rely on when you encounter troubles in life. Other than immediate family, I believe friends are also a part of your family. Throughout life you will meet people that you will make family like connections with. You should cherish these people as not everyone is blessed to encounter them in life.
    My family isn't exactly that big. I live with my mother, father, and older brother. I honestly feel like I owe them everything because they are just that awesome. No matter what's going on in their lives, they always find a way to put me first. I'm thankful for them every day. I know that I am very lucky to have them all in my life. - Betuel O.

  24. To me, family is always my first priority in life. My family always comes before my friends and I am always there for my family. No matter what time or place, family comes first. My immediate family consists of my two older brothers, my mother, and father. unfortunately, my parents got divorced about eleven years ago due to my fathers dependency to alcohol but he is still number one in my life. I owe everything to my family day in and day out. My "middle" brother and I are volunteer firefighters which brings us closer together. We have been through a lot at the firehouse and what happens at a fire. To me, just knowing you have someone to call "a family" is amazing. you have a group of people that will always be there for you, regardless of the situation. My friends and "brothers" at the firehouse are also considered family because they will also always be there for you. My oldest brother is also a firefighter, but, he gets paid for it. I am proud to say that my brothers and I have put a majority of our time helping out the community in need. My family is amazing and always will be until the day I die. I am truly lucky to have them in my life.

  25. To me family is everything. With out them i don't know where i would be. I will always put them before anyone else. My immediate family involves my younger brother Connor, My mother, My father, My step mom and Step father. When i was four years old my parents got divorced due to my fathers anger problems. In the end it worked out for the best. I love my step father Martin, and my step mother Laura. I live with my mom and step dad so i don't really get to see my dad or Laura that much but it doesn't stop us from doing stuff we like. We always go to the city and go to art museums together. whenever me and my mother are both free we love going on bike rides or trying new things. I love my mother, she is the strongest women alive and i love her with all my heart. Connor, and I barely ever get along but when we do. He's my own personal trainer. He helps me in more ways then others and he's the best little brother in the world. Without them in my life i wouldn't know what to do with myself. I am so grateful to have such a loving family

  26. My family isn’t the “normal” family I believed I have when I was younger, but growing up my point of view changed. I thought having no brothers or sisters, parents never being married or staying together and not having aunts or uncles around wasn’t normal. Compared to most people I know, my family is big but in reality it’s small because it’s not a family that is together. I never got the chance to meet my real grandfather so my grandmother is re-married which means I have a step grandfather. My dad got married so I had a step-mom. My mom got married, so I have a step-dad and now a little brother on the way. It might seem like a big family to everyone because they see all those families in one for me. However, my family isn't one. I consider myself having different families and it took me a while to accept that.

    Family does mean everything to me no matter how crazy it gets because I know at the end of the day their going to be the ones that are there for me when I need them the most. I accepted the fact that my family isn’t normal and it’s okay when I got to high school. I met a lot of people with similar family situations as me or even worse and they seemed okay for the least part. I realized not all parents had to be married and have family dinners every night to be a normal family. When you have supporting loved ones that accept you for who you are at all times you know thats family.

  27. Family is everything to me. They're always there for me in times of need. Who I consider family are the people who raised me and taught me right from wrong. They don't always have to be relatives. Anybody who sticks close to me and my loved ones throughout my life I consider family. You can have many relatives but they can have little interest in raising you or growing up with you. To me there is no such thing as a perfect family, the meaning of family is unique to each individual based on their values, at home situations, and who is present during most of their lives for support.

  28. Family is my life. My family involves 6 kids and a lot of different parents around. I have two half sisters, one adopted sister, one full sister and one full brother .My mother raised four of us alone and has been the best support and only since day one. My family is not the normal family with mom and dad. My mother has taught me that I can do anything I want on my own and that's how I am raising my daughter. If I didn't have my families support to help me out with my own family I don't know where i would be right now. Between school and a one year old things get hard and they are right behind me on everything I do. Without the family I have I would probably be homeless and not be able to go school. We are very close to each other and unlike a lot of people I know we all see each other as much as possible and talk to each other at least once a day even though a lot of my siblings are in different states. Family is the best thing to have around you for help and emotional support.

  29. I come from a big Italian family and I think I have a pretty well understanding of what family means. Everyone's family is unique in one way or another. Families come in many different sizes and shapes. Family's have different values and traditions. Italian families have many traditions, and it's not all about food. Love for family members are unconditional. Family is the one of the most important aspects of my life. My family motivates me to reach for higher goals. They support me no matter and pick me when I am down. Family isn't only blood; anyone who is there for me in a serious manner is considered family to me. My family traditions will be passed on to all my future generations.
