Monday, December 1, 2014

An Open Letter To Parking People

Dear Woman Parked Outside Of The Post Office Today:

I hate you, and if I didn't fear the ramifications of ramming my car into the back of yours, I would have done so. Possible ramifications: insurance sky rockets, I go to jail for using my car as a deadly weapon, you get out of your car and beat me up.

I played with the idea of walking over to your window and tapping on it to have the very necessary conversation you needed. I also thought about pulling up alongside you and motioning for you to roll down your window so I could tell you a thing or two. I did not do either of those things because of that last possibility with the car ramming. I do not want to get jacked.

However, when I gently tapped my horn as I pulled up behind you, couldn't you have maybe thought about why I was doing so? Could you put two and two together, the first two being the first set of cars that did the same exact thing I did? We saw your hazards. We knew you were stopped and waiting. We simply wanted you to move your car up.

Next time you want to park outside of the post office, DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR IN FRONT OF THE DRIVE UP MAILBOXES!!!!!

I'm not sure if you heard me get out of my car in the seemingly unending downpour, only inches from the slot, and put my Netflix return into the mailbox and slam it shut while muttering "asshole!" If you did hear me, then yes, it was directed at you. If you did not hear me, then now you know, you're an asshole.

Here's a very simple lesson: The drive up mailboxes have slots facing the street so that drivers can "drive up" to them, not get out of the car, roll down the window, and put their mail into the slots. We cannot do that when you are parked in front of them.


Do Now:Sign into your Blogger account and comment about situations that are bothersome.


  1. Plenty of situations bother me on the daily basis. Most of those situations have to do with driving. I hate when people drive recklessly, drive slow, and park illegally. I encounter at least one of those situations every time I drive.

  2. I take driving very seriously, and I believe everyone else should too. it is not rocket science, people just needs to take driving in a solemn or considered manner.

  3. I have grown to hate driving. I personally feel that your ethnic background does play a role in how well you do (or do not drive). Driving is all about making swift actions in decision in a split second of time. There is not time for hesitation. At the very same time as your are making these split second decisions you must remain calm, focused and alert to AVOID making frantic, panicked or sudden movements that other drivers were not expecting (otherwise known as saying "this driver does not know what they are doing). It amazes me how some people received there drivers licenses. The way they drive how did they not fail the road test?! They must have had a really lenient examiner on road test day. I know I did not and the grading was really strict.

  4. I absolutely can not stand inconsiderate drivers. Sometimes I wonder what people have been drinking when they do ignorant things while driving or parking. The world has become shallow to the "treat others the way you want to be treated" mantra. Now we are just more "it's my party and I do what I want to do" minded. We have to have a better awareness of others, and just plainly speaking,....go back to driving school!!!

  5. People are such arrogant reckless drivers. Everyone thinks they can do whatever they want on the road. I am one of those road rage drivers and cannot stand how people drive. I am that driver who will honk the horn for a minute and curse you out if you cut me off, drive slow or do anything silly. Driving is definitely not for everyone. I probably would have done the same thing if the car parked in front of the drive up mailboxes at the post office. It’s common sense people. THINK!

  6. I usually drive everyday and everyday there's something new I see on the road. I either see someone driving reckless or someone being inconsiderate. I've been driving for about 2 years now and I really wish I could get a personal driver, I just don't understand how some people even got their driving license.

  7. I've only been driving for about 6 months or so and I drive to school from Queens every day. With the long ride every day, I pick up on things that other people do like cut people off or switching lanes without looking. Driving is pretty dangerous and costly in itself, having people many people drive like this is very unsettling knowing I could get into an accident at pretty much any time. I'm not the best driver, but I know that stupid things like this will have consequences I do not want to deal with.

  8. I hate being stuck behind people that think they are the only ones on the road and it always seems to happen to me. When i lived in the city it was even worse. People don't have respect for others on the road. If you are trying to do something besides what that spot is there for than leave and let others do what they need to. When i need to get somewhere or do something I like to get it done quick rather than wait for that one slow person that has no idea what is going on around them.

  9. Very interesting view on other drivers! I too can not stand for other drivers on the road. Mainly because they do no drive like me. I hate being stuck behind people that "cant drive". Not to say I drive like a mean person, I just happen to be a very aggressive driver. I totally agree with your viewpoint and enjoyed reading this.

  10. i hate it when people pretends to be my friend and verbally chop me up when ever im not around them. im not the type of person to spontaneously lash out on somebody if they say what they have to say to my face. So that being said, its sad, annoying, and immature to be fake to people around you. sidenote: that driver was probably reading funny tweets.

  11. Something that annoys me is when people do not speak their mind and complain about the consequences. Many problems people have with others can be mitigated through simple, mature, in-depth conversation, but instead, people speak to everyone about the problem except the person they have it with. This, to me, makes absolutely no sense and it is cowardly, and chances are it is only going to fuel the disagreement.

  12. I really dislike when people burp around me. It's really disgusting , turn your head and do it the other way. Don't just talk to me and then all of a sudden I smelled what you ate this morning. Have some manners!

  13. One situation that is bothersome is when someone leaves a drop of juice in the juice container. They have two possible routes they can take. They can either fill up the whole cup with remaining juice and if the cup is already overflowing then they can drink a little off the top and then refill the cup with the remaining juice. It is not a hard task to do. What is someone supposed to do with 2 drops of juice? Having a barely filled juice containers are time consuming and it takes up a lot of extra space in the fridge.

  14. Some people can be really bad drivers. They thinks they can do whatever they want to on the street. I hate it when these people do things that they atre not suppose to do. I hate it when people just do not care of the people driving around them, they think they got the road to themselves. Driving is not meant for everyone. I would have done the same thing if the car parked in front of the mailboxes at the post office was there. Some people just need to think more before they go out and drive.

  15. i dislike when i have to repeat myself. i find it so annoying that the person I'm talking to, suddenly cannot hear me. My voice is not loud, you should be able to hear me.

  16. I feel your pain, iIn today's world people are so inconsiderate and selfish. I am almost sure she could have moved her freaking car but she chose to be an asshole. Maybe you should have telegated her until she got the picture or blew you horn until she was so annoyed she moved her stupid car. Some times yelling at people doesn't help, sometimes you have to talk to them like they are a complete idiot for the to take you serious. I am glad you didn't ram her, then you wouldn't be my wonderful ENG teacher lol.

  17. I am wondering if people should take the road test again every 10 years. Most people will probably fail. People don't stop at stop sign all the way, switch lanes without their signal light on, and speed 30 miles over the speed limit. I think the government should give road tests to everyone again and see how many people will actually pass again.

  18. When i'm driving i'm usually very calm and I rarely use my horn. But when someone doesn't use their blinker when either changing lanes or turning I just lose it! There's no reason you shouldn't be able to give somebody behind you an extra two seconds of warning before you make a move. Also when someone drives under the speed limit it infuriates me. some people might say that its safer but if you're driving slower than everyone else, then you're actually obstructing traffic.

  19. I consider myself to be a rather good driver, I am just relatively aggressive with my driving. If you are going slow in the left lane you can guarantee I will be driving right up your ass, Move OVER. I also hate when people use the word BAE, I think you sound like an utter moron.

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