Neil Sedaka sang this: Motley Crue sang this: Then again, some people just want to be with someone. Love, and what seems like love, can make people do some crazy things.
Post a comment below about love, romance, and heartache. Is love easy? Is it difficult? Does it have a simply definition? Does it exist? Can two people have a satisfying relationship? Can more than two people do so? (Notice that I'm not asking for lyrics here).
I feel like love is difficult, you have to work on a relationship, it doesn't just stay perfect. Love does not have a simple definition because it means so many different things to so many people. I feel it does exist if you find the right one and they will change your view on the whole idea of love. Two people can have a very satisfying relationship as long as there is some give and some take from both ends.
ReplyDeleteI believe love is when you're together with someone without putting any effort. It has to come naturally. After all, everybody hopes to settle down and spend their life with a significant other at some point or another. Having to live with someone everyday is no easy thing, therefore love is far from easy to find. I believe it does exist because I've personally come across older couples who couldn't be happier with each other and that's great to see. And that's what love is, being happy with a significant other. In my opinion its possible for two people to love each other and coexist well. I don't see how it would be possible to do that with three people. It sounds like there would be way too much drama in a relationship with three people.
ReplyDeleteLove doesn't really have a definition because, everyone has different point of views about it. Love can be really difficult at times for example , most of the time the person you love keeps treating you wrong and all you do is treat them right . At some point that hurts you and you will question yourself ''what is really love''? Love does exist . Well I believe it does . I believe in love because sometimes its not the butterflies that tells you your inlove or you love the person but the PAIN you go through with them or have being with them tells you , how much you really love them and how far your willing to go for them. I honestly believe in it because I also been through it. On the other hand having multiple partners in a relationship isn't such a good idea because, it tends to bring mix feelings and drama. For example your husband or boyfriend might get a little jealous your giving more attention to your girlfriend or wife. In my opinion it should just be two people . It's less drama.
ReplyDeleteIs love easy? It can be. Is love difficult?? I can be also. I believe that love is what you make of it. It can be very sweet, and it can be very bitter. So then, what is love? Since love doesn't come with an actual guide line, or simple definition, I will say that love is sacrifice! Love is both an enjoyment as well as a denying, ( if there is such a word). It is going to require that you lose yourself in something, so that the betterment of the relationship can live. ( That's another story, for another day..smile). I believe that two people can be satisfied in a relationship as long as both are willing to fulfill the needs of the other individual. NOT fulfill their "happiness" tank, because that's our jobs as individuals, but by being selfless in making sure there is a healthy balance of both love and sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteWhat is love? Love is such a strong emotion and it is attached by many other feelings and emotions. Everyone uses the word love without realizing its true meaning. "You're the best i love you!" "Omg love you!" Love has lost its true meaning, especially with young couples in this generation people just say love because they think that they're in love. In order to love someone you have to accept and love yourself first. Love does exist but that does not mean that it is easy. When two people have feelings for each other things often become more complicated. It takes only two people to have a relationship that enjoy each others company and share a bond that only they can understand.
ReplyDeleteI believe love cannot be simply defined; it's situational. Some people say it's indescribable while others explain feeling in love is an effortless endeavor; meaning it's natural, and comes easily. While the act of falling in love cannot be controlled, maintaining the love and romance in a relationship requires immense amount of effort. In other words: You can not pass a class by only attending. It requires hard work through studying and participation. The love is there sure, it's there from the get go, but maintaing that relationship and romance is not effortless. There's no denying that a relationship with more than two people could work, hence polygamy, but it can be eons away from being a successful and long lasting one. There are so many factors that are to be considered here. Everything that is required in a regular relationship is now doubled, or tripled, and depending on what type of person(s) you are with, jealously might arise, which can then result in termination of the relationship. To put it simply:love is complicated.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, love comes naturally. All humans fall in love at some point in there lives. Your feelings may get complicated at times but the feeling of love should always be there. The best way to describe love is having a bond with somebody past friendship. A relationship is for two people only. I think nobody else should get involved and there shouldn't be a choice of having multiple relationships.
ReplyDeleteLove is definitely not easy. Love is a bond that has to be maintained by the feelings of two people. A relationship is designed for two people only. When other people get involved, a relationship is ruined. I believe love is the strongest emotion someone can express. There is an infinite amount of love definitions because love can be anything you have feelings for or an emotional attachment to.
ReplyDeleteLove is not easy but it’s not difficult either. Does it have a simple definition? That I believe is up to who you are when it comes to love. Yes, I do believe that love exist and I also believe that two people can have a satisfying relationship but that is on the couple themselves. I think everyone always has a lot to say about love but at the end of the day how you feel about something someone else can feel another way. So love can have a lot of different definitions because everyone is different and our feelings are all different.
ReplyDeleteNot only do I believe that love isn't easy, but I believe love is the most difficult thing to understand. Many people have different interpretations of love such as having many things in common or being completely different because opposites attract. There is no doubt that love exists in the world because love is an emotion and you can't remove emotions from your mind. Anything in this world is possible as long as you are willing to go through all the road blocks and obstacles that cross your path. So I believe that two people who seem to love each other can no doubt have a great relationship. Having more than one significant other can have something to do with a person's religion but to actually have more than one person that you truly love and would devote your heart to is not impossible but most likely would not happen. Once you have found the first person you know you truly love, you wouldn't need to go searching for another person to give your love to because you already found someone worth sharing that love with.
ReplyDeleteLove is not easy but it isn't the most difficult thing to understand. I don't think love has a set definition, i believe it is seen differently by everyone. Love exist everywhere although some people say it's just a fantasy. Two people could definitely have a satisfying relationship. I don't think adding a third person to the relationship is ideal. Unless both completely agree and don't get jealous it may work and does work. I do not agree with a third person though.
ReplyDeleteLove is most definitely not an easy thing. Everyone experiences love differently. It can be hard, but it can also be the most wonderful thing in the world. Love is not simply defined, nor is it hard to define. Love is defined by the care and attentiveness a person shows to his or her life partner. It is very common for two individuals to have a successful relationship and to pursue their love and get married. Unfortunately, it is very common for people to get divorced in this era. I do not think more than two people can have a successful relationship. Love is what makes our world thrive and will never be non existent.
ReplyDeleteLove is not easy. Love is not easy because you never know if the person you are with is the right person for you, or your soul mate. Being in a relationship is like taking chances, or buying a lottery ticket; you never know if you are wasting your time or not. Relationship is a wonderful thing, but it is also difficult. Love does not have a simple definition; what love might mean to me, it might mean something different to someone else. Two people can have a satisfying relationship but it takes hard work such commitment, respect, and consistency. A relationship is usually between two people who love and care about each other, but sometimes a relationship can be between more than two people which I believe is bizarre.
ReplyDeleteLove does not have a single, simlple definition. Everyone has their own way of expressing what love is. To me, love is when you can be yourself one hundred percent in front of the other person, there is no holding back. Love is when you would do anything in the whole world for your significant other. Love is trust, and love is commitment. It should only be between two people because I think that when someone else gets involved, it can get ugly. I do believe that love exists, but is hard to find. When you picture being in love with someone, you can think of every detail about that person and it may be hard to find the one that your expectations.
ReplyDeleteBy visual experience love is complex. It could be hard at one point and then easygoing and joyful at another. Love can mean a lot of this. In my opinion, love is when someone makes you feel more valuable and unique than a platinum diamond (made that up) every single second, day, week, month, year, e.t.c. Love does exist. As much as people say it does not, it's somewhere out there ready to takeover someone and change their life or lives. Yes, Two people can have a satisfying relationship depending on how they act around other people and each other. Can more than two people share the same love experience as the default number in a relationship? No, unless if that one person in particular is a Mormon. Other than that, there will be some furniture moving and yelling.
ReplyDeleteLove to me is like anything in life, if you're willing to work hard enough for it it is definitely possible to have a long, satisfying and loving relationship. If I were to define love I would say that love is putting someone else, or something else before yourself, even if the outcome resolves in you gaining less/being less satisfied. Love is when their happiness becomes your happiness. That's my view on the meaning of love.
ReplyDelete- Justin
Everyone has a different perspective in love. A person defines love the way they been through it. Some people find love easy and others find it hard because of their experiences. A person who never been in love can't give a true definition of it. Love is this strong attraction to each other. Not the "sexy" type of attraction. That type of attraction is important but your relationship should not be based on that. I am talking about the attraction you have to the other partner because you respect them. When you respect the person for who s/he is, that person will never change. Physical appearance will change. This respect and trust has to be mutual. Both partners have to work on their relationship everyday to have a loving and everlasting future.
ReplyDeleteI think that every person has a different though and view of what love is. Love could be both easy or difficult. To me love has no simple definition, because everyone views it differently. I believe love exist its just that to find what you are looking for might take longer than you expect, or it could take no time at all. Yes, two people can have a satisfying and good relationship as long as they both collaborate and are committed to it. Also love isn't always about a relationship, it could be toward family, friends, and even pets.
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ReplyDeleteLove, romance, and heartache are not intrinsically connected, but often times they are associated with each other because of things like the expectations and attachments that people form, and the trouble we have with letting go of those. Love itself is easy because true love is unconditional and nothing needs to be done or given for that. However, many people look at love as conditional that is what makes it difficult. Rather than appreciating everyone for simply being human, we think "I'll only love a man/woman if they put me in my place when I'm wrong," for example. As soon as we do that we lose some ability to be considerate of that persons human differences and skew the definition of love. For all we know the person who does not put you in your place has some childhood trauma or unresolved issues that makes it difficult for them to speak out, for example. And now, instead of helping them get through it like we would if we unconditionally loved them, we may leave them behind and seek out someone else. Perhaps the other person is better suited for us, but that does not mean the one left behind did not deserve the love. No true love is conditional, and so that is difficult to find and maintain without exposing yourself to things like heartache and disappointment. Unconditional love is easy and we should all have it for everyone, but that is not how we look at it in our society. We look for just a few people to love rather than openly having and showing love for every human on earth. Love does exist and if we open our hearts to it, unconditionally, I strongly believe it can be one of the strongest forces known to man.
ReplyDeleteYes, two people can have a satisfying relationship as long as both are completely open and honest with each other and more than two people can do so as well. It's just about appreciating each other for who the other is, so the love can be between husband and wife, friends, family, people in a polygamous marriage, the whole world, etc.
Love, Romance, and Heartache are complex topics of discussion. What they are, how they work, and if they even truly exist are all subjective. Every person has different views on defining the topic, these views can be based on religion, culture, past expierence, and an endless number of other factors. I believe many kinds of relationships can be succesful and that love exists as long as the people involved in the relationship believe it does.
ReplyDeleteNo, love is not easy especially when it ends, but nobody can deny how good it makes us feel. Love fills us with joy, energy, and positivism as well as also makes us do crazy things like travel to another country in which we have not been before or quit our job only to be with that person that makes us happy and complements us.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, Love is an extremely difficult emotion to explain and understand, until you have felt it and experienced it for yourself. Also it can effect people differently, what one person's feelings about love or how it made them feel could be completely different from what the next person might say. But, I do believe that it exists and that everyone has the ability to find it. We might make mistakes to finding love, but we learn from them along the way. Heartache can also leave a person feeling emotionally crushed, especially if they felt that their relationship was very prosperous and satisfying.
ReplyDeleteLove is a complicated emotion. At such a young age it is hard for two people to have a satisfying relationship. There is nothing simple about it. You can be happy with someone one day and it all falls apart the next. You need to be ready for a commitment. I don't believe more than two people should be in one relationship, but i do believe it can make some people happy and give them a satisfying relationship. Even though love is hard, it does exist, you just have to find someone who is worth all the heartache and fight through it.
ReplyDeleteTo me, Love is a feeling that develops over time. It doesn't happen overnight and it doesn't go away. Because it is a feeling it cannot simply be described into words. I think two mature minds can have a satisfying relationship if they are meant to be. I believe that there is someone for everyone. Until two people can fully commit to on another they will not be able to have a satisfying relationship. Love is not easy, it’s hard. It’s hard because it becomes less about you and more about the other person, lessening yourself so they can be great. While love seems to be wonderful it has its negative effects. Like if the love is not equally shared between two people it can create heartache and pain. Everyone has experienced love in their lives and just as much as it feels rejuvenating, it can leave you high and dry.
ReplyDeleteLoving a person is the easy part. People fall in love all the time. The difficult part is trying to make a relationship have meaning. When you are in a relationship, a lot of work and effort needs to go into it. You can’t just have one person be happy and the other person be unsatisfied. A relationship needs trust, and honesty. If you can’t trust the person you love, then how are you ever truly going to be happy with that person. Not trusting them leads fights and arguments that could have been avoided in the first place. Being honest is just as important, if not more. Being able to openly talk about problems is what makes a relationship strong. If you can’t tell a person that you are mad at them how do they know? What can they do to help? They can’t apologize, or change anything without you telling them. All they know is that you might be mad for whatever reason. However when you work together, by being honest and trusting, you can have a satisfying relationship. Putting the effort in to make it work is what will make or break your relationship.
ReplyDeleteLove doesn’t have a simple definition, it can’t. To me, love is getting a massage after a long day, or being hugged for so long that all my stress melts aways. Love is the look I get when I pass by my boyfriend or the smile I receive when I surprise him at work. Love is thinking about him all day and knowing that at the end I will be able to see him, or talk to him. Love can’t be one thing because it involves so many different aspects.
Love leaves a memory that no one can steal but sometimes it leaves a heartache that no one can heal. LOVE CAN BE MEAN SOMETIMES, especially when you love someone who doesn't love you back but then love can be a paradise if you have the right partner. Love doesn't only exist in a physical relationship but it also comes with family and that's when love can be a disaster. when marriages breakup and you have developed a great relationship with your cousin or sister in-law and due to that soar breakup you lose family members you love because they have to go too, that's a hurtful LOST. love can be tainted, love can be as beautiful as a butterfly, love can be as harsh as a tornato but than as beautiful as a spring sunset. I don't want to just give the meaning of love or a hartache. It's more than a quote more than a meaning, its a action and its something we do everything even when we are not conscious of it, you can love her shoes you can hate her shoes. I can write a book on this stuff but I cabn't do that here ...
ReplyDeleteLoving someone can be extremely easy. Although maintaining that love, through ups and downs can be rather difficult. People change everyday, and if you are not changing at the same rate and in the same direction as your love, then you are bound to grow apart and fall out of love. There is no simple definition of love, it is complex and ever-changing. Love is also different for each individual due to their own ideals as opposed to another's. Two people can have a satisfying relationship if they are truly dedicated to it and each other, and are willing to make sacrifices for the betterment of the relationship. I do not believe more that two people can have a healthy relationship due to the fact that the jealousy will always be there. Jealousy leads to distrust and without trust, there is no such thing as a healthy relationship.